Every good idea needs time to mature. The same was true in the case of the mountain apartments Slunečná & Slovanka.

Srpen 2021

Prvotní myšlenka

Počáteční idea na výstavbu rezidenčního projektu v centru Božího Daru začala vznikat už v roce 2021.

Červen 2022

Dokončení dokumentace

Přípravná fáze zahrnovala tvorbu kompletní dokumentace i náročná jednání s úřady, samosprávou i památkáři.

Srpen 2023

Stavební povolení

Dlouhé měsíce vyjednávání a úprav projektu se podařilo završit úspěchem – oba projekty získaly stavební povolení.

Květen 2023

Vyklizení prostoru

Původní budovy Slunečná & Slovanka ustoupily developerskému projektu, který během pár měsíců obnoví jejich zašlý půvab.

Květen 2023

Zahájení stavebních prací

Po odklizení všech pozůstatků původních stavení mohly konečně naplno začít stavební práce.

Duben 2025

První dokončený byt

Veškerá pozornost všech členů realizačního týmu se upírá k jaru roku 2025. Během dubna by měl být dokončen první byt, který bude k nahlédnutí všem zájemcům.

March 2021

First idea

The initial concept for the construction of a residential project in the centre of God´s Gift (Boží Dar) began to take shape in 2021.

April 2022

Documentation completion

The preparatory phase included the creation of comprehensive documentation and challenging negotiations with authorities, local government, and heritage officials.

May 2023

Site clearance

The original buildings of Slunečná & Slovanka made space for the development project, which will restore their former charm within a few months.

June 2023

Building permit

After months of negotiation and project adjustments, success was achieved - both projects obtained the building permit.

June 2023

Commencement of construction work

After clearing away all remnants of the original buildings, construction work could finally begin in earnest.

March 2025

First completed apartment

The first apartment is expected to be completed during April 2025, and available for viewing to all interested parties.

August 2021

First idea

The initial concept for the construction of a residential project in the centre of God´s Gift (Boží Dar) began to take shape in 2021.

April 2022

Documentation completion

The preparatory phase included the creation of comprehensive documentation and challenging negotiations with authorities, local government, and heritage officials.

May 2023

Site clearance

The original buildings of Slunečná & Slovanka made space for the development project, which will restore their former charm within a few months.

June 2023

Building permit

After months of negotiation and project adjustments, success was achieved - both projects obtained the building permit.

June 2023

Commencement of construction work

After clearing away all remnants of the original buildings, construction work could finally begin in earnest. 

March 2025

First completed apartment

The first apartment is expected to be completed during April 2025, and available for viewing to all interested parties.

August 2021

First idea

The initial concept for the construction of a residential project in the centre of God´s Gift (Boží Dar) began to take shape in 2021.

June 2022

Documentation completion

The preparatory phase included the creation of comprehensive documentation and challenging negotiations with authorities, local government, and heritage officials.

May 2023

Site clearance

The original buildings of Slunečná & Slovanka made space for the development project, which will restore their former charm within a few months.

August 2023

Building permit

After months of negotiation and project adjustments, success was achieved - both projects obtained the building permit.

May 2023

Commencement of construction work

After clearing away all remnants of the original buildings, construction work could finally begin in earnest.

April 2025

First completed apartment

The first apartment is expected to be completed during April 2025, and available for viewing to all interested parties.

"I value enduring values that have the potential to last for generations."

Ing. Karel Jiras, the architect of the residential project Slunečná & Slovanka, does not hesitate to invest time and energy in monitoring industry trends. He regularly gathers experience not only in the Czech Republic but throughout Europe, and the results of his work reflect that.

Our story

Režie Lucie Desmond

The project team includes prominent personalities in their respective fields.

Personal relationships are essential to us. We are working with this idea on the project  Slunečná & Slovanka project, and we are convinced that the Ore Mountains should be experienced first-hand. We will be happy to help you with that.

Ing. Josef Hrouda

Majitel projektu

Ing. karel jiras


Ing. radek wolf

Realitní specialista

nikol pavlíčková

Marketingová guru

ivanka kowalski

Interiérový designér

lucie desmond


nikola fiala

Ředitel společnosti Interiors

Ing. Josef Hrouda

Majitel projektu

Ing. karel jiras


Ing. radek wolf

Realitní specialista

nikol pavlíčková

Marketingová guru

ivanka kowalski

Interiérový designér

lucie desmond


nikola fiala

Ředitel společnosti Interiors

Ing. Josef Hrouda


Ing. karel jiras


Ing. radek wolf

Development strategy

nikol pavlíčková

Marketing management

ivanka kowalski

Interiérový designér

lucie desmond


nikola fiala

Generální dodavatel nábytku

Ing. Josef Hrouda


Ing. karel jiras


Ing. radek wolf

Development strategy

nikol pavlíčková

Marketing management

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